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Parents Feedback Form

To help us use your feedback and suggestions appropriately please answer the following questions:

What room does your child belong at garderie les petits anges?
Is this feedback or suggestion?

Please use the space provided below to give us your feedback. In order to help us help you, please provide as many details as possible (including names and dates).

Also, any suggestions you may have about how we can improve our services, would be appreciated.


If you would like us to respond to your feedback, please fill out the following.



A Special Place
In through our arched red door is a special place. Stained glass windows allow the sunlight to spill into the class rooms. High ceilings and spacious play areas give our children the freedom to explore. Arches, columns, nooks and crannies offer intriguing challenges that inspire imaginations and creativity. Our hand crafted out door play area is nestled among majestic trees, lush green grass and lovingly tended gardens. Everywhere you look, our neighborhood is bustling and alive with the activities of family life.